BvS' Zack Snyder Defends Aquaman

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder was on his way to set when he heard some local radio dee-jays talking smack about Aquaman so he did what any good fan would do: he called in to set the disc jockeys straight about the DC Comics superhero.

“You guys were disparaging, a little bit, Aquaman,” Snyder told CBS Detroit (via /Film). “I don’t want to give anything away about the movie or anything like that, but Aquaman has some cool abilities. People are like, ‘Oh what? Does he talk to animals? Because that seems like what he does. Or fish?'”

Snyder continued, “The cool thing with Aquaman is he has his trident. You have to realize that could cut the flesh of Superman if they came in contact. That’s a thing that’s in the canon. He’s super strong because, of course, he can exist at these super deep depths. So when he comes up here, he’s crazy strong. Anyway, not to say he’s in my movie or anything like that, but he has the potential to be bad ass, that’s all I’m saying.”