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Shannen Doherty Diagnosed With Breast Cancer, Insists It Could Have Been Avoided

Shannen Doherty revealed in Los Angeles Superior Court on Wednesday that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in March. The actress stated in court documents that she discovered the cancer and its severity at a time when she was uninsured, arguing that it could have been avoided.

The “Beverly Hills 90210″ star is suing the business management Tanner Mainstain Glynn & Johnson, according to The Hollywood Reporter, because she says it was their responsibility “to ensure timely payment of the medical insurance premiums she had through the Screen Actors Guild.”

TMZ obtained the official complaint document (read the whole thing here), which states, “In November 2013, SAG sent the premium invoice to Tanner Mainstain for Plaintiff’s medical insurance coverage for the year 2014. However, Defendants ignored it, failed to pay it (without informing Plaintiff) and then promptly terminated their relationship with [Doherty] effective February 7, 2014.”

Doherty didn’t realize that once she was fired by her management firm, she became uninsured, reports THR. She began seeing doctors once she re-enrolled with SAG insurance in 2015 — she apparently had to wait until then — which is when she received her diagnosis.

The complaint also states, “Plaintiff was also informed that, had she been insured and able to visit her doctor, the cancer could potentially have been stopped, thus obviating the need for the future treatment (including mastectomy and chemotherapy) that Plaintiff will likely have to suffer through now.”

In other words, Doherty may have to go through chemo and a mastectomy, which she argues could have been avoided had she been able to see a doctor and receive an earlier diagnosis.

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