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Maisie Williams Calls Out Sexism In The Entertainment Industry

Maisie Williams, of “Game of Thrones” and being a wise human fame, is unimpressed with the entertainment industry’s “hot piece” roles.

In a profile in the London Evening Standard, Williams opened up about inequality in parts for men and women actors:

There are a lot of roles that come in that are “the girlfriend” or “the hot piece” in a movie or TV series. That’s something I’ve seen first-hand and read all the time. It will say “Derek: intelligent, good with kids, funny, really good at this” and then it will say “Sandra: hot in a sort of cute way” — and that’s all you get. That’s the way your character is described, so going into an audition you are channelling “hot,” which isn’t like a person, that’s not who a person is. That’s what I see and that’s what needs to change. I’ve been lucky enough to play a very great female character from a young age, who is a fantastic role model for girls.

It’s the same phenomenon that has been called out by website, which posts what are unfortunately extremely common sexist casting calls for women. A recent posting on the site reads:

Seeking: ‘Perfect girl. 21-25. Strictly Blond. Tall. Model Look. topless on top of [male character] … No Nipples.’

Get it together, world.

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