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'Cocaine Congressman' Trey Radel Is Trying His Hand At Music Now, Apparently

Former Rep. Trey Radel (R-Fla.) is trying his hand at music.

The former lawmaker tweeted a link to a song called “Muddy Waters Remix” on his SoundCloud page Wednesday:

‘Muddy Waters Remix’ by TreyRadel on #SoundCloud? #np

— Trey Radel (@treyradel) August 26, 2015

When HuffPost reporter Sam Levine tweeted about Radel’s music, the former congressman promised “Muddy Waters Remix” isn’t his only work:

more to come.

— Trey Radel (@treyradel) August 26, 2015

Radel’s website claims the Floridian “produces mediocre music that you probably won’t like, including music for corporate advertising to hip hop and house tracks.”

While serving in the U.S. Congress, Radel was charged with cocaine possession in November 2013 after allegedly buying the drug from a dealer in the Dupont Circle area of Washington, D.C. He announced his resignation from Congress in January 2014.

In May 2015, Radel announced he would start his own public relations firm for crisis management.

CORRECTION: A previous version of this article incorrectly stated that Radel is a Democrat. He is a Republican.

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