Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Not Coming to Wii U, Unlike the Last Two CoD Games

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will come to five platforms later this year, and Wii U will not be one of them.

The prospect of a Wii U version of the latest entry in the massively popular shooter series had yet to be officially addressed until today, when Michael Condrey, co-founder of developer Sledgehammer Games, responded to a question on Twitter. “No, no Wii U. That was an Activision decision,” he wrote. “We are focused on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.” Sledgehammer is the lead developer on those three versions of the game, while High Moon Studios is working on the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions.

Wii U isn’t a platform strongly associated with Call of Duty, but both of the series’ games released since 2012–Black Ops II and Ghosts–were released on Wii U.

Advanced Warfare is the first game to be released as part of the franchise’s new three-year development cycle. It runs on a new engine and introduces futuristic exosuits that provide players with all sorts of new, superhuman abilities. Following the reveal of the single-player mode earlier this year, Activision detailed the game’s multiplayer mode earlier this month (check out our impressions here).

We’ve contacted Activision to find out why it decided to skip Wii U this year. With each year’s Call of Duty release routinely being among that year’s best sellers (if not the top-selling game), this is a major game to not be available on Nintendo’s platform. Activision is not, however, the only publisher deciding to avoid releasing its games on Wii U; while Watch Dogs will come to the system, Ubisoft said recently that it will be the last “mature” game it releases on Wii U for the time being.

Advanced Warfare will be released on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS3, and PC on November 4. By preordering, you can get your hands on the game one day early.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on Twitter @TheSmokingManX
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