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Disney Princess Posters Promote Sexual Abuse Awareness

Artist Saint Hoax recently found out that one of her closest friends was raped by her father at age 7, so she made these disturbing posters. Appropriately titled the “Princest Diaries,” the purpose of the series is to encourage victims to report their attackers.

“Forty-six percent who are raped are victims of family members,” the posters read. “It’s never too late to report your attack.”

Hoax told HuffPost Entertainment that when she heard of her friend’s abuse, she knew she had to take action.

“That story shocked me to my core,” she wrote in an email. “As an artist/activist I decided to shed light on that topic again in a new form. I used Disney princess because it’s a visual language that my targeted audience would be attracted to.”



Note: One of the original stories that inspired Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty” actually includes incestuous rape (while she’s sleeping), so that last one is pretty much just a terrifying illustration of the alternate version.

If you or someone you know is the victim of rape, you can seek help through the National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1 (800) 656 -HOPE.