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Jimmy Kimmel Challenged Parents To Tell Kids They Ate Their Halloween Candy, Again

Halloween has come and gone. Kids are carefully rationing their depleting supply of candy. And Jimmy Kimmel has once again convinced parents all across the nation to throw a wrench into their kids’ post-Halloween joy. Yep, it’s time for “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy: 2014 Edition.”

Filled with tears, tantrums, and overturned chairs, the 4th installment of Kimmel’s annual Halloween candy prank is once again hilarious and also a little sad. Still, it’s important to remember: These parents didn’t actually eat all of their kids’ Halloween candy.

Some standout lines from this year’s compilation include, “You ruined my life!,” “Why didn’t you eat something else!?,” “You must have a belly-ache,” and “Eat an apple!”

At the end of the segment, Jimmy Kimmel thanked the parents who participated in this year’s challenge and also offered his sincerest “apologies to the children to participated as well.”

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