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Jon Stewart On The 'New' GOP: 'Who The F*ck Are You People?'

After winning big in the midterm elections this week, Republican leaders went on TV to talk a good game about how they plan to work with President Barack Obama to end gridlock and get stuff done on a bipartisan basis.

“Just because we have a two-party system doesn’t mean we have to be in perpetual conflict,” said Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who is expected to become the new Senate Majority Leader.

“Who the fuck are you people?” Jon Stewart asked on “The Daily Show” on Wednesday night.

But as Senior Political Analyst Jordan Klepper pointed out, the Republican wave on Tuesday has already had an immediate and almost miraculously beneficial effect on the country and the economy.

And the mood? Klepper found two words to describe it: hope… and change.

Check out the first clip above and Klepper’s segment below.