It’s the Fourth of July, and what better way to celebrate than through spreading the wisdom and pride of a true American hero: Mr. Ron Swanson.
The head of the Pawnee parks department on “Parks and Recreation,” Ron is always reminding us why he loves his country and the many great things about it (i.e. bacon). To celebrate this Independence Day right, all you have to do is channel your inner Swanson, and here’s how:
1. Don’t forget your patriotic attire.
2. Get a proper hairdo to beat the heat.
3. The moment you arrive at a barbecue, stuff your face.
4. Then when you go for seconds, do it with style.
5. Devote 100 percent of your attention to devouring ribs.
6. Fill your plate with all of the meat and all of the cheese at the barbecue.
7. But not necessarily fish …
8. … Because July 4th is not for rabbits.
9. In case you end up at a vegetarian party, make sure to BYOB(acon).
(But hey, we’re not hating on vegetarians.)
10. Make sure to cool down with lots of ice cream.
11. If you go out to eat, definitely clear out the supply of eggs and bacon.
12. Remember: Never say no to free food. Never.
13, Don’t do any work — it’s a holiday!
14. Question the greatness of other countries as compared to America.
15. If you’re stuck with an annoying rambler at a party, give them a drink.
16. Celebrate your country with endless dancing.
17. Don’t half-ass Independence Day. This is America, go all out!
18. And never forget the most important history lesson ever.
(Just kidding!)