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This Week's Comic Book Reviews

If you’ve been missing Robin in the DC Universe something fierce, then this week’s start to Robin Rises: Omega will be just what the doctor ordered. It’s more like a continuation of the main Batman & Guest series than its own entity, but a good start nonetheless. DC has a rebooted Teen Titans comic out, too.

Over at Marvel, the X-Men read Professor X’s last will and testament in Uncanny X-Men. Bring tissues. We also got the next chapter of Original Sin, getting us one step closer to this murder mystery starring the classic Nick Fury.

Spoilers for Life With Archie #36: There are a lot of great indie books out this week, but we just have to mention Life With Archie #36, which not only marks the end of the series, but the end of Archie’s life, heroically sacrificed to save a friend. Pour one out for Riverdale’s favorite son.