Ghost of Tsushima, the critically acclaimed PlayStation title that sees players take on the role of a samurai defending his homeland, is getting an anime adaptation. Announced at 2025’s Consumer Electronics Show, the upcoming series seeks to “offer fans an exciting new way to experience the game” alongside “bold and groundbreaking animation.” As such, Sony Music and PlayStation Studios are collaborating with anime distributor Crunchyroll and Demon Slayer studio Aniplex to bring the show to life.
According to the series’ press release, the upcoming show will not focus on Ghost of Tsushima main character Jin Sakai. Instead, it will adapt the game’s Legends mode, a later addition to Ghost of Tsushima that introduced four-person co-op. In Legends mode, four characters–a samurai, a ronin, an assassin, and a hunter–band together to fight off creatures born from Japanese myths and legends, making for an experience that leans farther into the surreal and supernatural than the base game.
As of right now, many details about the upcoming series–such as its official name–are being kept under wraps. However, the studios did offer a tentative release window of 2027 and an announcement that the show will be a Crunchyroll exclusive.