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After Much Objection, Toddler Decides He's Excited To Be A Big Brother

This hilarious pregnancy announcement shows big siblings that they can’t always get what they want.

Excited announcers: Ryan and Elizabeth Worrell

Due date: January 2016

Announcement method of choice: The Worrells put together a compilation of videos they shot throughout the course of a year. The couple repeatedly asked their toddler son Ryan on camera if he wanted a little brother or sister, and his answer was a consistent “no” … until he started to change his tune.

Slow progress: “He definitely didn’t want to have a brother or sister, but we knew it was going to be something that was coming down the road so we wanted to warm him up to it,” the dad told ABC.

Not their first rodeo … er, video: Back in 2012, the Worrells told friends and family about their first pregnancy with an epic photo montage, and they announced Ryan’s birth with a “Lion King”-themed video.

H/T Babble

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