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Bernie Sanders Jabs Donald Trump Over Helicopter Rides

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took a swipe at fellow presidential candidate Donald Trump’s high-flying antics at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, joking that he had forgotten to bring an aircraft to tango with Trump’s private helicopter.

“I apologize, we left the helicopter at home,” the Democratic hopeful told NPR’s Don Gonyea. “It’s in the garage,” Sanders added as Trump departed the fairgrounds in his $7 million helicopter.

The Republican front-runner swooped into the fairgrounds on Saturday to crowds of adoring fans, boasting the size of his following was 10 times that of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Politico reported. Trump’s time at the proving grounds for presidential hopefuls was brief, but loud. He trumpeted his slogan of “Make America Great Again,” and derided the policies of the Obama administration.

As other candidates in the 2016 race mingled with voters and ate fair food, the business titan batted away questions from the press for 15 minutes, before whisking a group of children up in his helicopter — emblazoned with his last name — for a taste of the high life.

“You can go to the fair and ride the Tilt-a-Whirl or ride on Trump’s private helicopter,” Tana Goertz, Trump’s Iowa state co-chair, told The Huffington Post. “These kids will never forget this experience.”

Trumps antics provided a sharp contrast to Sanders, who has made income inequality a pillar of his campaign. Sanders walked the grounds accompanied by hundreds of supporters chanting, “We love you, Bernie!” Despite their differences, Trump and Sanders share at least one thing in common: both are hot with potential voters.

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