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Bill Maher Likens Hamas To A 'Crazy Woman' Who Needs To Be Slapped

With tensions in the Middle East running high and an Israeli invasion of Gaza underway, comedian Bill Maher has taken to Twitter to share his views on the difficult situation.

Maher tweeted Thursday night, July 17, that dealing with Hamas is like trying to deal with a crazy woman, whose wrists you can only hold for so long before having to slap her:

Dealing w/ Hamas is like dealing w/ a crazy woman who’s trying to kill u – u can only hold her wrists so long before you have to slap her

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) July 18, 2014

Despite being retweeted over 2,000 times and favorited more than 1,400 times, many replied to his tweet with angry messages, condemning him of making light of domestic violence.

“There is no instance that violence against women is funny or to be used as the butt of jokes. It’s disgusting and vile,” one Twitter user wrote, with others chiming in:

“His awful analogy endorses violence against women.”

“That is terrible on several levels. Good tweet to delete with accompanying apology.”

“Come on, seriously? I’m always one to defend a joke, but this is just, nope.”

Others took offense in his proposed resolution to the conflict, with one user tweeting: “Show some respect for the children who died playing soccer on the beach. Or are they the sons of that crazy woman?” and another sarcastically writing: “Bravo for making such a smart joke bill. thx, you don’t consider those kids dying out there as humans.”

Over on Jezebel, Rebecca Rose wrote that “Maher is completely entitled to his opinion about the situation in that region,” but added: “If you want to be taken seriously as a political pundit, how can you be so dismissive in the language you use when referring to women or other marginalized groups?”

This was Maher’s second tweet about the topic in 24 hours. Earlier in the day, the HBO host wrote:

One thing you never hear in the middle east: I just can’t stay mad at you

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) July 17, 2014

The Huffington Post has reached out to Maher’s reps for comment and will update this story once one comes through.