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Broadway Star Audra McDonald Slams Indiana Governor Over Anti-Gay Bill

Broadway star Audra McDonald is not a fan of Indiana Governor Mike Pence and his anti-gay legislation, and she let him know it.

Pence signed the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act into law Thursday. The bill allows companies to cite religious freedom in lawsuits if sued by a private party. Many worry this could legalize discrimination against the LGBT community, giving protection to business owners who refuse service to same-sex couples, for example.

Ahead of a planned performance in Indiana, McDonald railed against Pence on Twitter, listing implications the discriminatory bill could have for her and her band.

.@GovPenceIN Some in my band are gay & we have 2 gigs in your state next month. Should we call ahead to make sure the hotel accepts us all?

— Audra McDonald (@AudraEqualityMc) March 26, 2015

.@GovPenceIN or could you maybe send us a list of where its okay for us to go? Might the law apply to me?(I’m black).

— Audra McDonald (@AudraEqualityMc) March 26, 2015

.@GovPenceIN or maybe I should fire my gay band members just to be on the safe side.

— Audra McDonald (@AudraEqualityMc) March 26, 2015

.@GovPenceIN Or MAYBE…we need to stick to singing in states that don’t legislate hate?

— Audra McDonald (@AudraEqualityMc) March 26, 2015

McDonald — who has had an expansive career in theater, television and studio recording — decided to keep the slated performance, but plans to give the money to the Human Right Campaign and Freedom Indiana, groups that fight for equal rights.

.@GovPenceIN Or MAYBE I donate the money I make in your state while Im there to organizations that will combat your hateful legislation.

— Audra McDonald (@AudraEqualityMc) March 26, 2015

.@GovPenceIN Yep. That’s what I’ll do. Hey @HRC get ready for a little money coming your way from Indiana via me to you! Have at it!

— Audra McDonald (@AudraEqualityMc) March 26, 2015

Thanks to those who have made me aware of @freedom_indiana. I will definitely donate to them as well.

— Audra McDonald (@AudraEqualityMc) March 26, 2015

Others have spoken out against the bill, which takes affect July 1, including the NCAA, CEO Marc Benioff, the Disciples of Christ and Miley Cyrus, who called Pence an asshole in an Instagram post.