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Caitlyn Jenner Explains How She Wants A Guy To Treat Her

Jennifer Boylan gives Caitlyn Jenner a lesson in the “normalcy” of trans women during a discussion about relationships in an upcoming episode of “I Am Cait.”

“It would be very attractive to me to have a guy treat me… like a normal woman,” Jenner says during the episode, according to an article on the website of the E! network, which airs “I Am Cait.”

When Boylan, a professor at Barnard College and acclaimed transgender author, presses Jenner about the meaning of “normal,” Jenner continues: “Like any other woman on the street, and not make it this big trans thing, or this or that. Just a normal relationship.”

Boylan then explains to the former Olympian why she is just as “normal” as every other woman, and why she doesn’t need a man to validate that.

“You don’t need a man to make you a woman,” Boylan says, according to a clip on the E! website. “A woman can make you a woman. It’s a thing that women do. We look to men to give us self-worth. I think, now that you’re in the sisterhood, you have gone to such trouble to be a woman, don’t be a stupid one. Be a smart one.”

Jenner, 65, has previously said she is unsure about what’s in store for her dating life.

“I have bigger things than an orgasm to worry about,” she said in a trailer for “I Am Cait” earlier this month.

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