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Chelsea Clinton Reveals How Involved Bill And Hillary Are As Grandparents

New mom Chelsea Clinton says her parents, Bill and Hillary Clinton, are totally involved in their granddaughter’s life, all the way down to changing diapers.

Clinton, who gave birth to baby Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky in September, talked to Jimmy Kimmel this week about how her very political parents are embracing their new roles as grandma and grandpa Clinton.

“They’re changing diapers, reading to her, helping her go to sleep at night,” Chelsea Clinton said. “It’s just been such a joy for me to watch them sort of rediscover that part of their lives and to watch them as grandparents.”

Baby Charlotte is the Clintons’ first grandchild and they’re clearly doting on her, with Grandpa Bill gushing earlier this year that his granddaughter is “the greatest thing since sliced bread.”

Chelsea also joked that her parents are slightly in awe of all the new technology parents have to look after their infants, like wireless baby monitors. And of course, just like any grandparent, they think the little girl is a “genius.”

Check out the rest of the interview in the video above.

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