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Clay Aiken Defeated In 2014 North Carolina Congressional Race

Democrat and former “American Idol” star Clay Aiken was defeated by Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) in the state’s 2nd District Tuesday.

Ellmers, who was first elected to Congress in the Republican wave of 2010, was considered the favorite in this conservative district.

The race was marked by tragedy: Aiken’s Democratic primary opponent, businessman and former North Carolina Commerce SecretaryKeith Crisco, was found dead just as the candidates were awaiting confirmation from election authorities because Aiken led after the primary by only a few hundred votes.

Aiken, who is openly gay, said that same-sex marriage is “not an issue that’s really on the radar for most people in the second district of North Carolina” and that iIt’s not something that effects people’s daily lives.”

Below, more live updates on the 2014 midterm elections: