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Disguised Miley Cyrus Asks People What They Think Of Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus once sang the lyrics, “seven things I hate about you” … and she probably wishes these people would’ve stopped at seven.

Because Cyrus is so recognizable, Jimmy Kimmel dressed her as an Australian reporter to find out what people really think. Let the awkwardness begin …

One person said, “The whole fabric of America’s falling apart, and she’s not doing anything to try to keep it together,” while another simply admitted, “I just like Taylor Swift better.”

What’s more cray-cray is that Cyrus is terrible at being in disguise, and people said this stuff anyway. She ends up twerking with one person and even showed her boobs to another, which, you know, isn’t necessarily typical reporter behavior.

At least one person actually did figure out it was Cyrus: the boob guy, of course. For everyone else who is now having the revelation they insulted Cyrus to her face, just remember: It’s not about how fast you get there; it’s the climb.

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