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Donald Trump Campaign Fires Staffer After Racially Charged Posts Surface

Real estate mogul Donald Trump’s presidential campaign on Sunday fired a staffer after racially charged posts he wrote years ago on Facebook surfaced online.

Sam Nunberg, who the campaign described as a “part-time advisor,” allegedly wrote a series of disparaging Facebook posts in 2007, one in which he called the Rev. Al Sharpton’s daughter a “N—!” and another in which he called President Barack Obama a “Socialist Marxist Islamo Fascist Nazi Appeaser.”

After Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski announced an investigation into the “offensive” writings on Friday, Bloomberg’s Mark Halperin reported Nunberg was indeed let go.

Breaking: @realDonaldTrump fires Sam Nunberg.

— Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) August 2, 2015

Nunberg’s Twitter account appeared disabled on Sunday.

Trump continues to surge in the polls ahead of the first GOP presidential debate on Thursday. According to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal survey released Sunday, Trump tops the field with 19 percent.

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