Everything In Lego Horizon Adventures Is Buildable In Real Life, If You Have Enough Bricks

Lego Horizon Adventures launches this week on PS5 and PC, and at first glance, it looks like a fairly convincing replica of a Lego toybox. That’s an artistic direction by design, as co-developer Studio Gobo explained how everything in the game is made from real Lego bricks–only digitized–and the game can be reconstructed at home, if you have the right pieces and an eye for which bricks were used. Fortunately, there is an official Lego Horizon Tallneck set to help you get started.

“Everything you come across in Lego Horizon Adventures is made entirely out of real Lego bricks, so if you have the right pieces at home, you could rebuild anything from the world, including the machines, the treasure chests, and Mother’s Heart,” Guerrilla’s senior community manager Anne van der Zanden explained on the PS Blog.

What makes this impressive is that Studio Gobo aimed to capture the look and feel of the Horizon series as accurately as possible, from the small details to the more majestic locales that Aloy explores on her journey.

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