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Fox News Doctor Keith Ablow Defends His Psychoanalysis Of President Obama

Fox News’ Dr. Keith Ablow is coming to his own defense after several medical experts denounced his credentials and psychiatric analysis of President Obama.

An Associated Press article, published Thursday, criticized Ablow for his cable news commentary, citing several medical professionals who view his comments as “unethical” and strictly for entertainment value. Columbia University’s Dr. Jeffrey slammed the news commentator as a “narcissistic self-promoter of limited and dubious expertise.”

On Friday, Ablow issued a statement in response to the AP story, standing by his analysis and defending his right to comment on the president.

“As a psychiatrist, news commentator, and medical professional, my analysis is accurate,” he wrote. “Psychiatrists are uniquely situated to comment on political figures, and the interface of politics and psychology is improved by psychological analysis.”

Ablow has come under fire by media critics and doctors for his seemingly absurdist commentary of political figures. He has routinely gone on air to make statements about Obama’s health and mental state, once stating that Obama feels “victimized” by the GOP as a result of his father’s abandonment. In August, he was quickly denounced after calling first lady Michelle Obama fat. Most recently, he blamed Obama for letting Ebola spread to the U.S. and called for the start of an “American jihad.”

But Ablow continued to support his psychoanalysis Friday, despite what critics have said, arguing that Obama’s actions make it “readily apparent” that he has psychological issues with the United States.

“President Obama provided the data for my commentary through his statements and actions,” he went on, concluding: “My commentary is accurate, and I will continue to speak truth to power.”

We look forward to that.

H/T Media Matters