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George R.R. Martin Spent The Day At Jets Training Camp Instead Of Writing Those Books We Need

George R.R. Martin is a fan of New York football, which is unfortunate, because that also means he’s a Jets guy. It’s not like he had a choice though: He was born in New Jersey and, by geographic birthright, the team was forced down his beard.

Martin, who’s currently traveling around the East Coast, returned to his birth state on Wednesday to take in a most unholy sight: New York Jets training camp.

George R.R. Martin, the “Game of Thrones” author, watching practice from the Jets’ sideline. A rabid Jets fan. #nyj

— Rich Cimini (@RichCimini) August 5, 2015

#Jets GM Mike Maccagnan hanging with #GOT‘s George RR Martin on the sideline. Martin is a huge Jets fan.

— Dennis Waszak Jr. (@DWAZ73) August 5, 2015

George RR Martin is here watching the #Jets. He’s wearing all black in 90 degree weather. #AllMenmustdie

— Stephen (@StephenCLorenzo) August 5, 2015

George RR Martin and Maccagnan

— Stephen (@StephenCLorenzo) August 5, 2015

Funny sight: D’Brickashaw Ferguson towering over George RR Martin as they talk on the sideline during ST drills #jets

— Kimberley A. Martin (@KMart_LI) August 5, 2015

On Monday, Martin was in New York City sporting a Jets cap and all black everything. This is, undoubtedly, a disappointing sight for fans of A Song of Ice and Fire.

Look at this dear, dear 66-year-old man pose in defiance while strapped up in skull and crossbones suspenders. Like he’s some sort of fictional grim reaper or something.

George R.R. Martin poses with a BIG @GameOfThrones fan. #JetsCamp

— New York Jets (@nyjets) August 5, 2015

Jets GM (and fellow New Jersey native) Mike Maccagnan has done nothing in his life to deserve this honor.

His signature looks like Bart Simpson’s scalp. No worse than George R.R. Martin though, who writes like a child:

George & Mike FTW. #JetsCamp

— New York Jets (@nyjets) August 5, 2015

On Monday, Martin was in New York City sporting a Jets cap and all black everything. This is, undoubtedly, a disappointing sight for fans of A Song of Ice and Fire.

George, meet George and George! The triple threat of @GRRMspeaking

— Anne Groell (@AnneGroell) August 3, 2015

Instead of finishing up The Winds of Winter so HBO can turn it into something digestible for millions of people every Sunday, this guy is out here rooting on the Jets in the streets, at training camp and in life.

His Jets fandom, however, has been a major point of contention in his life, as evidenced by his November 2014 blog post morbidly titled “Jets Crash Again.” His piece, which had an “annoyed” mood status attached to it, has a lede that’s been restated in loads of different ways on “Game of Thrones.” Just replace “Jets” with “Lannisters.”

Life is meaningless and full of pain. Watching the Jets week after week has become an exercise is (sic) masochism.

Suddenly, the outrageous character deaths in his books make sense.

Little-known fact: Watching the Jets quarterbacks gave George R.R. Martin the idea for the Red Wedding.

— Bart Hubbuch (@BartHubbuch) August 5, 2015

Once a Jet, always a Jet. And, oh, the Lannisters always pay their debts. That’s George R.R. Martin’s Wednesday, everybody.

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