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Here's A New 'Friends' Fan Theory That Completely Changes The Ending

It’s been over a decade since over 52 million Americans watched the series finale of “Friends.”

Those particularly fond of the show surely have warm memories of “The Last One,” where Ross and Rachel decided to give it another shot, Joey had to free a duck from a foosball table and all the friends left their keys for Mr. Treeger.

But what if none of this actually happened?

What if … the entire series was in Phoebe’s mind? One fan from the U.K. explained his theory on Twitter earlier this week.

My proposal for how hit 90s TV sitcom Friends should have ended.

— Xenophon Moscrop (@strnks) August 24, 2015

“I’ve been amazed how far the story has traveled, when it just started as a stupid Sunday night, eating dinner and talking nonsense thing with my girlfriend and her flatmate,” The fan, Gareth Stranks, told The Huffington Post when reached over Twitter.

“I’ve also seen a few people tweet Lisa Kudrow about it, which is interesting — it would be awesome if she saw it, and I hope she takes it in the good humor it was intended!”

Last night, Lisa Kudrow was busy, however, as she joined Taylor Swift onstage during Swift’s “1989” tour to play “Smelly Cat.” If Phoebe’s world is all in her head, and subsequently “Smelly Cat” is just a figment of that character’s imagination, could that mean our world just exists in the feline focused songwriter’s mind as well?

If NASA sent a ship at light speed to the far reaches of the universe, would it eventually bump into the edges of Phoebe’s cranium? When you hold someone close and feel a spark, is that just Phoebe feeling a moment of happiness, as we’re just molecules bouncing around forever, doomed to revolutions devoid of our own volition?

Here’s A New Fan Theory That Completely Changes The Ending Of Everything.

Here’s A New Fan Theory That Completely Changes The Meaning Of Your Very Being.

HuffPost has reached out to Kudrow’s rep, but has yet to hear back. Perhaps we should just shout into the void.

H/T Gothamist.

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