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'Hunger Games' Parody Video Might Help Solve The Peeta Vs. Gale Question

One question that haunts “Hunger Games” fans (and Katniss Everdeen herself) is the Peeta vs. Gale conundrum. While the baker’s boy doesn’t have the same hunting skills as Gale, the folks on Team Peeta are quick to emphasize his sweet, lovable qualities.

That’s more or less the theme of “Peeta’s Song” — a hilarious parody video from BYUtv’s “The Hunger Games Musical” series (think “SNL” digital shorts, but more family-friendly).

The series focuses on the love triangle between Katniss, Peeta and Gale. “Peeta’s Song” weighs the relative strengths and merits of Katniss’ co-victor, pointing out that “girls can’t resist the boy with the bread” and “he’s slightly useless but there’s no one sweeter.”

But what really makes the video worth watching are the standout lyrics like, “he’s good at being cute and hiding like a squirrel.”

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