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Jeff Zucker Doesn't Give A S**t If You're Critical About CNN Films

In 2012, CNN branched out into producing original films and series, landing hits with the acclaimed documentary “Blackfish” and foodie-travel show “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown.”

Last week, CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker delivered a message to those critical of the network’s move: “I don’t give a s**t.”

Zucker offered the blunt remarks at the end of a Q&A session in Manhattan on Thursday, where he dismissed those who object to the network promoting its films on the news network.

Said Zucker, per The Hollywood Reporter:

Sometimes CNN gets caught in the crosshairs because CNN is CNN. When you’re a huge, shiny object, people like to throw darts. … Frankly, I don’t give a shit. None of the people that do that stop to think about the incredible quality that is assembled by the people in this room. Take all the shots you want, but I think the quality of films on CNN Films is unassailable.

Soon after taking the reigns at the cable network in 2012, Zucker promised to “broaden the definition” of news and to have “an attitude.” Mission accomplished on both fronts, Jeff.