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Math Trumps Trump

WASHINGTON — With the political press calling him a “white-hot frontrunner” and “Teflon Don” you would be forgiven for thinking Donald Trump actually has a serious chance at winning the Republican presidential nomination.

As discussed on “So That Happened,” the HuffPost Politics podcast, Trump faces a significant obstacle: math.

The Trump Coalition is a plurality, not a majority, and as HuffPost’s senior polling editor Mark Blumenthal has observed, The Donald will need more than a mere 25 percent to secure the GOP nomination.

Recent history is littered with candidates who had Trump levels of support at this point in their primary elections and then lost the nomination. Trump could grow his support, but it seems unlikely considering the same polls that put him atop a heap of candidates also find majorities of voters would prefer “someone else.”

Look at this pretty picture:

Trump’s got 25 percent. Six other guys together have more than 40 percent. The non-Trump coalition hasn’t settled on someone, but it probably will.

The “So That Happened” podcast was produced and edited by Adriana Usero and engineered by Brad Shannon, with assistance from Christine Conetta .

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