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Mom Enlists Live Band To Wake Daughter Up For School

After struggling day after day to wake up her daughter for school, one Georgia mom resorted to drastic measures.

Shelly Kent’s 10-year-old daughter Sophie tends to hit the snooze button when it’s time to get up, so when the Atlanta-based morning show “The Bert Show” issued a call for parents who have a hard time waking their kids up for school, the mom was quick to respond to the offer for assistance.

The show’s producers enlisted a jazz band to help Kent’s little girl rise and shine. As the video from the wake-up surprise shows, the little girl was up and at ‘em in no time.

A five-piece Dixieland jazz band called Blair Crimmins and the Hookers arrived at Kent’s house at 5:45 a.m. to prepare for a 6:30 performance. When it was showtime, the band “snuck in very quietly,” the mom told Today. “She had no idea,” Kent said. “And the band was incredible.”

Mad props to little Sophie, who took being woken up from a dead sleep by a 5-piece jazz band like a CHAMP.

— The Bert Show (@TheBertShow) August 10, 2015

The video description says Kent has tried countless tactics to get her daughter to wake up in the morning — “everything from rubbing her back and making sure the smell of warm cinnamon rolls wafts through the house to BLASTING her (mom’s) music, and throwing dog treats on the bed so the dogs wake her up.”

After brainstorming different ideas with “The Bert Show” producers, they decided that a band would be “the perfect fit” for the sixth-grader, who just signed up to join the marching band, Kent told Today.

Little Sophie’s jazz band alarm is just the first in a series of creative wake-up methods from “The Bert Show.” The second video in the series shows members of the Actor’s Express theater company helping another little girl greet the day with a performance of “Circle of Life” from “The Lion King.”

Because really, sometimes alarm clocks are just not enough.

H/T Today

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