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Tom Hiddleston's Loki To Play Key Role In 'Thor 3' And 'Avengers: Infinity War'

Marvel’s Kevin Feige has confirmed that Tom Hiddleston’s Loki will be featured prominently in the upcoming third installment in the Thor series, “Ragnarok,” as well as the both parts of “Avengers: Infinity War.”

Confirmed during the past week’s Marvel event, as well as on Digital Spy (the report is currently unavailable), Thor’s step-brother and archenemy was basically a guarantee for the next “Thor” movie, last seen in the “Thor: The Dark World” sitting upon the throne in Asgard, disguised as Odin. In “Ragnarok,” Loki is set to unleash chaos in Asgard by releasing numerous villains from their imprisonment. As for Loki’s role in “Avengers: Infinity War,” has this to say:

In The Avengers, Loki lost the sceptre belonging to Thanos when he failed to take over Earth. And going into Avengers: Age of Ultron, it’s now in the possession of HYDRA’s Baron von Strucker.

The Other, now dead at the hands of Ronan as we saw in Guardians of the Galaxy, warned Loki (in The Avengers) that there would be consequences if he failed his master.

While it was previously thought Loki would be absent from “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” it appears that he will be making at least a brief appearance. In an interview with the Telegraph, Idris Elba let out that he, as Heimdall, and Hiddleston had filmed a scene for the film around the time that he did a DJ set at an Ibiza club. “And I’m doing a scene with Chris Hemsworth [who plays Thor] and Tom Hiddleston [Loki], and they’re like, [whispers] – ‘Aren’t you [meant to be] in Ibiza?'” Elba told the Telegraph.

“Avengers: Age of Ultron” is scheduled to premiere on May 1, 2015 and “Thor: Ragnarok” is scheduled for July 28, 2017. “Avengers: Infinity” part 1 is scheduled May 4, 2018, and part 2 is scheduled for May 3, 2019.

We have reached out to Hiddleston’s rep and will update the post if and when a response is received.