What We Do In The Shadows Wants Its Final Season To Be Like Any Other

The cast and crew of What We Do In The Shadows are clearly exhausted. Not simply because they’re at the tail end of months of filming–a production schedule that was already delayed several months because of last year’s various strikes–but because it’s the final season, and the emotional weight of that thought is thick in the air as I sit down for back-to-back interviews with the creatives behind the show.

Yana Gorskaya, an executive producer and director on the show, as well as the editor for the original film that led to the popular spin-off, feels as if she is on the verge of tears when asked how she feels about it all coming to an end. “I just have so much genuine affection for [the cast]. I dearly hope that I will work with them again, but in this grouping? All of them at the same time? That seems unlikely, and it is breaking my heart,” says Goskaya while holding back her emotions.

However, despite all this, everyone working on the show assures the media attendees in the room that Shadows is still Shadows, and while this last run will feature some of the series’ biggest and zaniest moments, there was a deliberate intent to make it feel like any other season that, for the most part, you could jump into and casually watch without feeling that weight. “We really wanted to be careful not to make a final season that was only enjoyable to the 10% of fans who really watch everything,” says Paul Simms, a writer and executive producer. “We didn’t want it to be like, ‘This old character comes back, and that’s all tied up.’”

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