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Gearbox Claims It Used Millions of Its Own Cash to Finish Aliens: Colonial Marines, Wants to Be Dropped From Lawsuit

Aliens: Colonial Marines has been controversial ever since its release in February 2013. So controversial, in fact, that some people filed a class-action lawsuit against Gearbox and Sega, claiming that Sega falsely advertised to consumers and Gearbox directed funds for the game to other projects. This week, Gearbox responded to the lawsuit via court filings […]

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19 Worst Things About Woodstock '99

Woodstock ’99 was supposed to celebrate the 30th anniversary of “peace love and happiness” Instead the Rome New York festival earned the infamous distinction of “the day the Nineties died” There were tons of contributing factors that made the fest the anti-Woodstock Organizers trying to wring every last dollar from…     

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