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Celebrities Take To Social Media To Show Support For #LeanInTogether

Since the launch of Sheryl Sandberg’s #LeanInTogether initiative, the campaign has amassed quite the celebrity following. In partnership with the NBA and WNBA, #LeanInTogether encourages men to help women in the fight for gender equality and emphasizes the economic and social benefits both genders can gain from equality. Everyone from entertainers to athletes and politicians […]

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North Koreans Didn't Like 'The Interview,' But They Love 'The Hunger Games'

It’s no surprise that North Koreans were not fans of Seth Rogen and James Franco’s controversial comedy “The Interview,” which chronicled the fictional assassination of the country’s leader Kim Jong-un. But they do love watching the dystopian, adventure-filled “Hunger Games” franchise, according to WIRED senior writer Andy Greenberg. Greenberg investigated North Korea’s intricate smuggling networks […]

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