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Jon Stewart: Hillary Clinton's 'Wrong-Email-Address-Ghazi' Won't Hurt Presidential Hopes

Sure, Hillary Clinton using a personal email address might violate State Department regulations and shield her correspondence from the public eye. But the networks have already covered that, so pundits are starting to ask random questions like, “Will this hurt her presidential hopes?” Jon Stewart poked fun at everyone involved in what he thinks is […]

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Beck's Dad Worked On Beyonce's 2006 Album, And Basically All Your Other Favorites

Beck and Beyoncé have more in common than just Kanye West. As Redditor Sitdownyo pointed out, Beck’s father, David Campbell, worked on Beyonce’s “B’Day.” Campbell is credited for string arrangement and conducting on the 2006 Grammy-winning album. According to his MTV biography, Campbell specifically contributed to the track “Listen.” As the Toronto Star notes, Campbell […]

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