Category Archives: Games

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PS4 2014 Games Release List

Following this year’s E3, we’ve compiled a list of all the PlayStation 4 games that will be available by the end of 2014. If a game has an announced release date, it is written next to the game title. Keep in mind that the release dates for upcoming games is subject to change. But with […]

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Bungie Was Unconcerned With Avoiding Halo, But Wanted Destiny To Look "Unique"

There are undoubtedly similarities between The Destiny alpha test wrapped up yesterday, and while it’s prompted numerous jokes and critiques about Peter Dinklage’s voice acting, the consensus is that it’s an absolutely beautiful game. We’ve only seen it running on the PlayStation 4, but considering this is a game that will be released on last-generation […]

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Microsoft Clarifies What Kinect Features Xbox One Power Boost Affects

After several conflicting reports, Microsoft has officially clarified the specifics of Kinect processing power on Xbox One. Starting this month, developers now have the ability to turn off most of the Kinect’s functionality to gain extra GPU resources, but some system-level functions cannot be disabled. GameSpot recently reported that the new Xbox software update would […]

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Activision Extending Skylanders Licensing to Cereal and Coloring Books

Activision Publishing’s Other Skylanders licensing extensions for 2014 include a new global program from book company Penguin Group (which has already sold over 2.5 million Skylanders books), as well as a special Skylanders: Swap Force official guide from augmented reality company Zappar. Activision has also teamed up with Immediate Media for an official Skylanders-themed children’s […]

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