Category Archives: Games

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Why Nintendo Won E3 2014

When I first heard that Nintendo was forgoing a proper press conference this year in lieu of a video presentation, I was worried. I felt like, without the energy of a crowd, without Reggie Fils-Aime’s voice and presence commanding attention in a massive convention hall, there was no way that Nintendo’s E3 presentation could compare […]

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Why Microsoft Won E3 2014

Last year was not a great E3 for Microsoft. After an Xbox One reveal that offered a terrible first impression with If anything, that separation of messaging helped to define the Xbox One in the lead-up even more as a machine with a broad audience. Rather than trying to cram every detail into one presentation, […]

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Why Sony Won E3 2014

Microsoft did a decent job this E3, and have made considerable effort to mop up the mess from that disastrous Xbox One unveiling last year. Their conference was tight and lean, throwing out game after game with only the barest minimum of tedious waffle. I applaud Phil Spencer’s direction and leadership since he inherited the […]

Fez Developer Polytron Is Back With Polytron Partners, Will Help With Music Game Panoramical

Fez creator Phil Fish has announced that his company, Polytron, has partnered with Canabalt developer Finji to present Panoramical, “a digital anthology of musical landscapes with analog controls.” Panoramical is being developed by two indies, Fernando Ramallo and David Kanaga, who’s best known for composing the soundtracks for Dyad and Proteus. They’ve been showing Panoramical […]

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Xbox One Console Exclusivity Doesn’t Change Plans for PC Version of Double Fine’s Massive Chalice

Microsoft’s E3 press conference was packed with games, so you might have missed the news that Double Fine’s Massive Chalice was announced as a console exclusive for Xbox One. The strategy game was successfully Kickstarted last year, raising a total of $1,229,014, well over the $750,000 funding goal Double Fine was looking for. At the […]