Category Archives: Games

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Xbox One Now Supports Pre-Loading

The Xbox One now supports pre-loading for digital games, and Microsoft has delivered the feature ahead of schedule. At Gamescom, Microsoft announced that pre-purchasing and pre-loading would begin on Xbox One with FIFA 15 (September 26) and Forza Horizon 2 (September 30). But in fact, the feature is available today with Madden NFL 15. If […]

Story-Driven PC RTS Ancient Space Announced, Voiced By Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica Actors

Hearts of Iron and Magicka publisher Paradox Interactive today announced Ancient Space, an upcoming story-driven RTS launching this fall on PC and Mac. Developed by Creative Forge Games, Ancient Space is a single-player game where you’ll play as a commander of a space fleet. More specifically, you’re tasked with leading a scientific mission to the […]

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