Resident Evil Remake Screenshot Comparison Shows Welcome Improvements

Capcom is remaking once again, and that means the 1996 game’s visuals will be getting overhauled. The company has offered up some comparison screenshots on its that pit the 2002 remake’s graphics against those of this latest remake, which is on , , , , and .

Specifically, the comparisons consist of screenshots released alongside the remake’s announcement and those taken from the Wii version (connected with component cables) of the 2002 remake. Capcom notes the upcoming remake remains in development, so it’s always possible things could change between now and next year.

In terms of what you see on-screen, things are practically identical–everything is just much sharper, and the lighting effects appear to be improved. You can compare the graphics for yourself using the slider in the middle of the images above and below.

For more on the upcoming digital remake–which will support 5.1 surround sound; offer an optional, modern control scheme; and feature a “scrolling” camera–.

What do you make of the visual changes in this new remake? Let us know in the comments below.

Chris Pereira is a freelance writer for GameSpot, and you can follow him on
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