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Sigourney Weaver's High School Yearbook Quote Is All Too Fitting Now

Sigourney Weaver’s high school portrait has resurfaced, and her senior quote is all too fitting now.

In a photo posted by Twitter user @Shunrize, we see a young Weaver posing for her black-and-white Yearbook portrait:

Sigourney Weaver – High school senior portrait : “Please, God, please, don’t let me be normal.”

— Valérie Levilain (@Shunrize) June 20, 2014

Weaver’s choice quote, “Please, God, please, don’t let me be normal!” is a line borrowed from the 1960 musical “The Fantasticks.” Given that Weaver is a three-time Academy Award nominee and is often referred to as the “queen of sci-fi,” we’d say she’s succeeded in living quite the unusual life.
