Walmart Exclusive Batman Vs Superman 2-Pack
During another Periscope live stream, Cameron announced a Walmart exclusive glow in the dark 2-pack of Batman & Superman.
During another Periscope live stream, Cameron announced a Walmart exclusive glow in the dark 2-pack of Batman & Superman.
Amazon has released preorders for two exclusives. An Agent Carter Sepia Tone Variant Click Here To Preorder Second exclusive is Deadpool – Yellow Blue Variant Click Here To Preorder
During a live stream Periscope, Cameron Deuel at Funko, revealed an unmasked Kylo Ren. It will be a Walmart Exclusive. So start your hunting.
Funko has announced their upcoming Independence Day Pops. Due out in February. There will be a chase variant aliens. Preorder here
You’ve enjoyed the Marvel Collector Corps box, you’ve chased the UPS truck to get your Smuggler Box 5 minutes earlier. Well Funko has announced the Legion of Collectors DC Comics Subscription Box. Just like the other boxes it will be bi-monthly and it’s first Pop has been announced to be Armored Batman. https://legionofcollectors.com
Caution: This article features spoilers for the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens. There’s been something of a stir on the net in regards to the lack of figures for Rey’s character from the latest Star Wars film entry, The Force Awakens. People are making the argument that Hasbro is releasing figures of other characters […]
New Doctor Who Pop Vinyls preorder today at Entertainment Earth. To place a preorder, click the photos below.
Batman v Superman Funko items up for pre-order today. To preorder yours now, click the link below. As always, you are not charged until the item is shipped! Click Here To Pre-Order
New Gaming Pop Vinyls for preorder. You can order Pop! Vinyls from Call of Duty and Uncharted right now from Entertainment Earth Pre-Order Today
Funko has announced Captain America: Civil War, including Pops (both standard and exclusive) and a series of Dorbz. The line will include Captain America, Iron Man (in what I believe is his Mark XLVI armor), War Machine, Black Panther, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Agent 13, Winter Soldier, and Crossbones. Pre-Order Today Exclusives will be Barnes & Noble: […]